We are a not-for-profit organization that promotes and nurtures the career development of young professionals in Fairfield County Connecticut, Westchester County, and New York. All are welcome.

Website design by Auste Marie Media

+203 703 8277


See the attached link for pictures from the 3 mile run / 1 mile walk. In all, with the help of the Greenwich Rotary who matched funds, we raised over $1,000!! https://www.newstimes.com/seen/slideshow/SEEN-Greenwich-Walk-Run-for-Abilis-2018-186175.php Abilis (ABLE-ISS) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides services and supports for over 700 individuals with special needs and their families from birth through the life span. Abilis has been a leader in serving the special needs community in lower Fairfield County for 65 years and has a long-standing reputation for high quality care.  

In a blink, summer is gone and fall is here. Crazy, right? We hope you were able to soak in those last few days of summer and last minute getaways. September was extremely busy for Greenwich YPG, which isn’t a bad thing. In early September we met tons of great people at the B2B networking event hosted by First Bank of Greenwich. The event took place at the beautiful JHouse located on East Putnam Avenue. If you haven’t stepped foot into this boutique hotel, well it’s a must. Tony and his team are a welcoming, fun group of individuals. Greenwich YPG was also able to raffle off some great prizes that evening. Thank you to Gofer’s Ice Cream, Bodega Taco Bar, Driver’s Unlimited and Pozzi Wine! Next, September’s networking event was held in Stamford on top of the roof bar at Sign of